Are agricultural canopy waves dangerous?

Are agricultural canopy waves dangerous?

A solar power plant consists of panels and electrical components that emit electromagnetic waves which can be a source of concern.

Are these waves really dangerous for health? Is there a threshold that must be respected? What about Amance's agricultural canopy?


An electromagnetic wave is a category of waves that can travel through the air. It carries energy but it is also capable of transporting information. They can be generated by human activity such as smartphones, radios, or even to take X-rays. However, there are electromagnetic waves produced naturally, such as those emitted by light, clouds or the natural terrestrial field (whose nature corresponds to the continuous field of photovoltaic modules).

Recommended threshold and legislation

According to ANSES (National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Safety), in France, as in most European countries, the regulatory limit values for the exposure of the general population to electromagnetic fields were set in accordance with the recommendations of the European Union in 1999 from 0 Hz to 300 GHz. These limit values aim to protect people and the environment against the harmful effects of electromagnetic fields.

With regard to exposure to low frequencies, following the Grenelle 1 and 2 laws, a system for monitoring and controlling electromagnetic fields emitted by public electricity transport networks has been put in place.

Report on electromagnetic measurements on the Amance agricultural canopy

Concerned about its impact on living organisms, TSE commissioned a laboratory and design office specialized in electromagnetic environments and radio connectivity, to carry out a measurement campaign on the Amance agricultural canopy site, in Haute-Saône.

Electromagnetic radiation represents a penetrating force in the body of humans and also that of animals. Evaluating radiation in waves makes it possible to verify whether electromagnetic impacts comply both with legislation in the public domain (Decree 2002-775 of 3 May 2002) and also with national and international recommendations. During these tests, the strength of the electromagnetic field was quantified by measuring both the electric field and the magnetic field generated by the agrivoltaic power plant.

In order to obtain a comparison, two measurement conditions were carried out: connected agrivoltaic canopy and disconnected agrivoltaic canopy (switched off remotely).


The electric field

The legislation specifies in decree 2002-775 of 3 May 2002 that it should not exceed 5000V/m, the unit of strength of the electric field. In Amance, in the worst case scenario, when the agrivoltaic canopy is connected, we obtain a value 1471 times lower than the legislation, which is three times less than an alarm clock at 30cm.

Magnetic induction field

The legislation specifies during decree 2002-775 of May 3, 2002 that one must not exceed 100 microTesla, the unit of strength of the magnetic induction field. National and international recommendations indicate a value not to be exceeded in long exposure of 0.4 micro-Tesla. Beyond that, the radiation force could be intrusive into the human body, causing biological effects even at low levels.

On all points measured on the surface of the agrivoltaic canopy or on the periphery, the legislation is respected. In the worst case, even if the measure is 1.8 times higher than the national and international recommendation, the measure is 136 times lower than the legislative threshold. For comparison, it's the equivalent of a 30cm coffee grinder.

What you need to remember:

In summary, national and international legislation and recommendations are therefore well respected. We can then conclude that no, the electromagnetic waves in Amance's canopy are not dangerous for health.